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  • xpei0220191

FMP/01-Style references and rough test


I'm going to do a short animation about a red horse, a sheep, and a man.

Inspiration: I went to Edinburgh last Easter. On the train along the way, for the first time, I saw so many sheep and horses basking in the sun and grazing leisurely on the green grass. At that time, I decided to keep this picture in my memory and use it in my future works. When I arrived in Edinburgh, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and architectural style of this place. So I decided in my heart that I must add the grassland and animals, as well as the deep or dark color and ancient style of Edinburgh.

Some of my tests⬇️

When I was a child, I once copied a Russian oil painting. I can't find the original painting now, its Chinese name was translated as the red horse. There were two red horses running under the snow mountain.

The name red horse almost suddenly appeared in my mind. I realized that I didn't forget this painting which I liked in my childhood, so I decided to make the horse red in my short film, which is also a bond between me and my childhood.

April 23

Tried new ways to test

A4 paper animation exercise, stop motion


May 6

Test the effect of the horse by relief printing

May 7

A quick preliminary practice in Lizzy's class for my project.

method: rotoscope



My last animation 'Night Routine' (still working)

and the style I tried recently are characters with small eyes. I have always been unable to find my own style, so this time I really want to continue the style of my last work, but I still need to make some changes on this basis.

My last work⬇️

Here are some style references I love⬇️

⬆️reference by Roberto Catani



When I decided to do an animation with a red horse, a picture suddenly appeared in my mind - in an open grassland, there is only one person guarding his horse and sheep, living a lonely life.

The sheep, which is often favored by human beings, is always the first to eat the freshest fruit and food, and gradually think of itself as the top of the farm food chain. When she with horses, it deliberately imitate human behaviors such as standing and walking.

The red old horse used to run wildly in this field when he was young. Now he is old and regards himself as a weak lamb, waiting for the man to feed him every day.

The only man in this grassland feels lonely day after day and can only be with animals. He dreams of becoming a young red horse and running to freedom freely.

first sketch for the red horse

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